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ENGLISHMental Health

Flexibility in the face of challenges

Psychological resilience is the ability to show resilience and recover in the face of challenging life experiences. This includes the ability to cope with stressful situations, to deal with adversity in a healthier way and even to emerge stronger from these experiences.

Why is psychological resilience important?

Life is not always easy. We all face challenges and obstacles from time to time. Psychological resilience helps us to survive such situations and emerge stronger from these experiences.

How to develop psychological resilience?

Psychological resilience is not an innate characteristic. It is a skill that can be learned and developed later. There are many things you can do to improve your resilience:

Social support: Building healthy bonds and maintaining close relationships with family, friends and loved ones is crucial for resilience.

Positive outlook: It is important to have an optimistic and hopeful outlook, even in the face of challenges.

Problem solving skills: It is important to develop problem-solving skills to cope with difficulties.

Stress management: It is important to learn to deal with stress in a healthy way.

Taking care of yourself: It is important to meet your basic needs, such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

When you are going through a difficult time, your family or friends or someone you trust can provide emotional support. They can listen and try to understand you. Spending time with the people around you can reduce feelings of loneliness and lift your spirits. Communicating with friends or family over shared interests can help to reduce stress and relax. You can also meet new people and expand your social circle by participating in volunteer activities. Volunteering can boost your self-esteem by giving you the satisfaction of helping others.

Migration and psychological resilience in Germany

The decision to emigrate to Germany or any other country is not an easy one. There are many factors that can affect a person’s psychology in the long term, such as being away from loved ones and familiar surroundings, learning a new language and adapting to a new culture.

Immigration is a big variable in itself, but it is also accompanied by other challenging factors that can isolate a person from social life.

Many individuals who migrate to Germany find it very difficult at first. Not knowing the German language at all makes daily life very difficult. It is also difficult to meet new people and socialize. In such a situation, it is inevitable to feel lonely and alienated.

Maintaining psychological stability plays an important role in this situation.

Important Note: Psychological resilience is not influenced by a single factor. The examples above are just a few examples of how social support can influence resilience. It is important to find and apply the methods that work best for you to improve your resilience.

*Handan Yigit

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