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Python Coding

Embark on a Coding Odyssey: Discovering Python's Potential and Beyond

As our mentees explore what Python programming has to offer, they can learn various coding skills together, from problem-solving to analytical thinking, on a coding journey beyond Python.

Breaking down coding into easily comprehensible pieces, they can actively enhance their understanding while creating real code. Additionally, utilizing Python’s data structures and object-oriented programming, they are guided to solve real-world problems

Python Coding Programs

Python is a powerful yet beginner-friendly coding language to learn programming.

Apply Now: Our program runs seamlessly from September to December, March to June, and in summer. Be a part of the mentoring program anytime to unleash your creative potential with your friends – sign up now to design your future!

Meet with your mentoring group and mentor.

Delve into a 3-4 month adventure.

Dedicate two hours each week to get ahead. 

Grow with projects & earn the certificate.


Learn Future

You acquire skills and knowledge in mentoring to overcome various challenges you face. This will develop the strength and determination you need.

Find Your Friends

While learning, you'll have a great time discovering your interests and skills alongside your new friends. You will learn a lot from each other and enjoy sharing.

Empower Yourself

With a variety of activities such as excursions, workshops, and mixed sessions, you will not only strengthen your skills and interests but also your resilience. 

Share & Act

You will apply your knowledge, create projects, share your development experience, and eventually become an alumnus. Communicate your development.

Scratch Codıng