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Social Life
Social Life

Resilience in everyday life

MiA courses offer tailored support for migrant and refugee women, focusing on their unique life situations. With low-threshold language assistance and relevant topics, these courses empower women to discover their potential and access further services. Designed with manageable 34-hour durations and proximity to home, they are perfect integration solutions for women with childcare responsibilities or those seeking confidence in participating in integration programs. Funded by the BAMF.

Welcome! We’re excited to introduce our initiative aimed at supporting migrant women residing in Germany who aspire to carve out their own paths. Our project, “Empowering the Resilience of Migrant Women,” provides a vital platform for recently arrived women to swiftly integrate into German society, enhance their social aptitude, and foster a supportive community where they can exchange experiences.

Navigating Life in Germany

Support for Women's Integration Journey

Program Topics:
  • German school systems
  • Social life in Germany
  • Stress management for children
  • Self-care practices
  • Coping with difficulties
  • Addressing discrimination and prejudice

During these sessions, participants will not only enhance their language proficiency but also have the opportunity to connect with women from diverse cultural backgrounds, fostering a supportive environment for personal growth. Our project also delves into the role of women in German society, facilitating discussions on the challenges and opportunities surrounding gender roles.

New Beginnings for Migrant Women

Why should you join our project?

– Make New Connections: Get the opportunity to meet other migrant women and share your experiences. Our project will help you build strong social bonds by providing you with an inclusive community.

– Adapt Quickly in Daily Life: Get practical strategies and tips to cope with the challenges of everyday life. Adapt comfortably and successfully in Germany.

– Personal Development: Our project offers a platform that supports not only integration, but also your personal development. Get the opportunity to better understand and empower yourself.

– Support Network: Our project will help you create a strong network where you will not only share information but also support each other. Become stronger by overcoming challenges together.

If you want to learn about education, social life, stress management and more, you can take strong steps by joining this project. We are waiting for you!

Learn Future

You acquire skills and knowledge in mentoring to overcome various challenges you face. This will develop the strength and determination you need.

Find Your Friends

While learning, you'll have a great time discovering your interests and skills alongside your new friends. You will learn a lot from each other and enjoy sharing.

Empower Yourself

With a variety of activities such as excursions, workshops, and mixed sessions, you will not only strengthen your skills and interests but also your resilience. 

Share & Act

You will apply your knowledge, create projects, share your development experience, and eventually become an alumnus. Communicate your development.



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