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immune 2 infodemic 2.0

Developing a Vaccine Against Dis/Misinformation

Januam is very excited to announce our involvement in the IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC (I2I2) project, which aims to protect the citizens of the European Union against misinformation and disinformation. This project aims to reduce the impact of misinformation by educating citizens on digital literacy, media literacy and critical thinking. By focusing on three selected key themes (elections, COVID-19 and migration), we will ensure that citizens are better equipped to counter disinformation and misinformation on these topics.

At Januam, we are furthering our work to support young people to become competent in digital skills through the I2I2 project. As part of this project, we will organize training and awareness events for young people, as well as for families and other community members. In this way, we will help young people shape a future where they can contribute to democracy, media and climate initiatives.

The project will examine AI-based misinformation and disinformation. Awareness will be raised to detect and analyze AI-based misinformation on social media and other digital platforms. It will demonstrate that AI systems face the risk of rapid spread of disinformation and discuss the potential risks. AI-driven disinformation and misinformation will also be discussed in this context. AI can trigger the rapid spread of misinformation and measures should be taken to prevent this.

Contributing to the IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC project further strengthens Januam’s mission and reinforces our aim to benefit society. Through events and activities, we will work together to make society more aware and resilient against misinformation and disinformation. By incorporating these innovative approaches into the project, Januam will contribute to making society more resilient to disinformation. This will enable citizens to act in a more informed and safe way in the digital world. To learn more about the project and to participate in our events, you can visit the I2I2 section of the programs page on our website.

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Immune 2 infodemic

Awareness Raising and Training Activities

Within the scope of the IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC project, a total of 20 events will be organized in Europe. It is aimed to reach 2,000 European citizens directly through these events. In addition, 20,000 people will be reached indirectly with the support of media professionals, social media influencers and civil society organizations.

The events will increase citizens’ knowledge and skills in digital literacy, media literacy and critical thinking. Based on feedback from the events, the vaccines and boosters will be continuously updated and adapted to changing forms of disinformation. Even after the project ends, these resources will be accessible through an online learning platform, thus extending the impact of the project.

Immune 2 infodemic 2.0

Digital Immunity Against Dis/Misinformation

We are all exposed to infodemas, spreading around like pandemic viruses that can seriously influence our decisions. In the age of AI, we face increasing misinformation threats. These can include disinformation, misinformation, fake news and other forms of interference on different topics related to public life, your own health, political or economic choices.

We all need to defend ourselves and develop cognitive immunity against the spread of the pandemic by getting vaccinated and taking regular supplements. This workshop series aims to equip participants with easy-to-use tools to help them become immune to disinformation and misinformation on selected themes.

Defend Yourself with Digital Information Literacy
We equip you with different tools to defend yourself using the three vaccines:

  • Digital Information Literacy (DIL)
  • Media and Information Literacy (MIL)
  • Critical Thinking (CT)

By applying these tools to selected current disinformation / disinformation themes, we provide you with three extra supporting shots:

  • Environmental/Climate Change
  • AI Enabled Disinformation
  • Foreign Malign Interfrence

Each workshop focuses on 1-2 selected vaccines and 1 booster. Our workshops are designed for vulnerable people, including young people, students, but also the elderly who are affected on a daily basis by media, internet and word of mouth misinformation/disinformation.

Interested organizations, NGOs and universities are invited to contact us to organize a FREE workshop for a group audience (20-30 participants per workshop). These workshops aim for participants to gain knowledge and skills that will help them act more consciously and safely in the digital world.

For more information and registration, please contact us. Januam is happy to work with you in the fight against disinformation.




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Learn Future

You acquire skills and knowledge in mentoring to overcome various challenges you face. This will develop the strength and determination you need.

Find Your Friends

While learning, you'll have a great time discovering your interests and skills alongside your new friends. You will learn a lot from each other and enjoy sharing.

Empower Yourself

With a variety of activities such as excursions, workshops, and mixed sessions, you will not only strengthen your skills and interests but also your resilience. 

Share & Act

You will apply your knowledge, create projects, share your development experience, and eventually become an alumnus. Communicate your development.