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Scracth Coding

Exploring Computational Thinking through Scratch: Mentoring Program for Beginner Coders

Learning to code is not just about understanding the programming language used but also about developing crucial computational thinking skills useful in problem-solving across various disciplines.

In our Scratch Mentoring program, mentees will guide beginners in coding to learn basic programming skills by creating interactive storybooks, animations, and games using Scratch, a visual, block-based programming language.

Scratch Coding Programs

Games and animations program with Scratch

Apply Now: Our program runs seamlessly from September to December, March to June, and in summer. Be a part of the mentoring program anytime to unleash your creative potential with your friends – sign up now to design your future!

Meet with your mentoring group and mentor.

Delve into a 3-4 month adventure.

Dedicate two hours each week to get ahead. 

Grow with projects & earn the certificate.


Learn Future

You acquire skills and knowledge in mentoring to overcome various challenges you face. This will develop the strength and determination you need.

Find Your Friends

While learning, you'll have a great time discovering your interests and skills alongside your new friends. You will learn a lot from each other and enjoy sharing.

Empower Yourself

With a variety of activities such as excursions, workshops, and mixed sessions, you will not only strengthen your skills and interests but also your resilience. 

Share & Act

You will apply your knowledge, create projects, share your development experience, and eventually become an alumnus. Communicate your development.