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Impact-Driven Youth and Family Empowerment Vision

Januam is a social non-profit organisation. Januam aims to empower youth through competency-based mentoring, emphasizing digital skills, fostering inclusivity, and envisioning a future where young minds contribute impactful ideas to democracy, media, and climate initiatives, while also providing opportunities for families and adults to actively contribute to societal development through workshops and collaboration. Your donation makes this a reality. You can send us donations safely using the form below. You will receive a donation receipt from Betterplace to submit to the tax office.

Our bank account for donations:

Talk to your family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances about our shared purpose, and don’t hesitate to recommend our organization and programs!

Stadt- und Kreis-Sparkasse Darmstadt
IBAN: DE45 5085 0150 0080 0119 20

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